Loan Management System

Total Control for Your Lending Business

PayPlan’s loan management system is a single, scalable, team-centric access point to view and manage your entire loan portfolio
Loan Management System
Centralized Loan Management

Centralized Loan Management

View and manage your loan portfolio in one central location. Export or import 3rd party loan data for seamless integration with other lending products.
Smart document storage

Smart document storage

Securely store, view and download the documents associated with each loan. No need for any 3rd party solutions or external storage integrations.
Activity history

Activity history

View the activity history of your customers as they move through your application funnel, get approved, and make payments in your portal.


Collect loan payments automatically. PayPlan supports credit card and ACH capability out of the box. Integrate custom payments if needed.
Centralized Loan Management

Custom Attribute Tagging

Make categorizing, searching and integrating loans easier by creating custom attributes and assigning them to your loans.
Communication & Notifications

Communication & Notifications

Initiate manual or automatic notifications and emails to your customers directly through an administration interface

Full Automation

Banks and Financial Institutions

PayPlan's integration with banks and financial institutions allows you to always be fully aware of your customer's account health. Automatically verify income, assets employment, balance, payments history and more.
Seamless Automation With Banks

Automated Servicing

Automatically debit your customers monthly payments using ACH or credit card payments. PayPlan's payment intelligence also allows you to automatically retry payments until funds are available.
Automated Collections

Automatic Payment Optimization

Automatically optimize payment dates through PayPlan's payment intelligence. With payment intelligence, you can create rules to define payment dates that will lead to the best chance of success. The platform will handle the rest.  
Automated Payments

Build a loan management system that will transform your business with PayPlan



Fully compliant, out of the box

The PayPlan platform is fully compliant with PCI DSS, SOC 2 and more. Further compliance requests can also be accommodated in our Pro and Enterprise level plans.


Access loan data through APIs

All of your loan management data is accessible through PayPlan's robust set of APIs. Import, export and edit any data set, or create custom APIs for unique needs (enterprise plan required).

Optimized for Servicing

Spend less time manually managing your loan servicing and more time building success.
Payment intelligence

Payment intelligence

Payment intelligence allows you to successfully service more loans.
Open Bank Connections

Open Banking Connections

Open banking connections allow for seamless intelligence and awareness of account health.

Portfolio Reporting

Get everything you need to understand your entire loan portfolio
Portfolio ReportingPortfolio Reporting


View applications, loans in progress, and decisions made.


View aggregated payments and portfolio success


View closed loans, payments made and outstanding amounts due.

Take control of your lending business with Payplan

PayPlan has everything you need to bring your lending vision to life. No need for any other solutions or data providers.
lending business